The SimpleXMLIterator class

(PHP 5 >= 5.1.3, PHP 7, PHP 8)


The SimpleXMLIterator provides recursive iteration over all nodes of a SimpleXMLElement object.


SimpleXMLIterator extends SimpleXMLElement implements RecursiveIterator , Countable {
/* 方法 */
public current ( ) : mixed
public hasChildren ( ) : bool
public key ( ) : mixed
public next ( ) : void
public rewind ( ) : void
public valid ( ) : bool
/* 继承的方法 */
public SimpleXMLElement::__construct ( string $data , int $options = 0 , bool $dataIsURL = false , string $namespaceOrPrefix = "" , bool $isPrefix = false )
public SimpleXMLElement::addAttribute ( string $qualifiedName , string $value , string|null $namespace = null ) : void
public SimpleXMLElement::addChild ( string $qualifiedName , string|null $value = null , string|null $namespace = null ) : SimpleXMLElement|null
public SimpleXMLElement::asXML ( string|null $filename = null ) : string|bool
public SimpleXMLElement::attributes ( string|null $namespaceOrPrefix = null , bool $isPrefix = false ) : SimpleXMLElement|null
public SimpleXMLElement::children ( string|null $namespaceOrPrefix = null , bool $isPrefix = false ) : SimpleXMLElement|null
public SimpleXMLElement::count ( ) : int
public SimpleXMLElement::getDocNamespaces ( bool $recursive = false , bool $fromRoot = true ) : array|false
public SimpleXMLElement::getName ( ) : string
public SimpleXMLElement::getNamespaces ( bool $recursive = false ) : array
public SimpleXMLElement::registerXPathNamespace ( string $prefix , string $namespace ) : bool
public SimpleXMLElement::__toString ( ) : string
public SimpleXMLElement::xpath ( string $expression ) : array|null|false
