File/Image upload

model-form can build file and image upload field with following codes


Change store path and name

// change upload path

// use a unique name (md5(uniqid()).extension)

// specify filename
$form->image('picture')->name(function ($file) {
    return 'test.'.$file->guessExtension();

model-form both support for local and cloud storage upload

Upload to local

first add storage configuration, add a disk in config/filesystems.php:

'disks' => [
    ... ,

    'admin' => [
        'driver' => 'local',
        'root' => public_path('uploads'),
        'visibility' => 'public',
        'url' => env('APP_URL').'/uploads',

set upload path to public/upload(public_path('upload')).

And then in config/admin.php select the disk set up above:

'upload'  => [

    'disk' => 'admin',

    'directory'  => [
        'image'  => 'image',
        'file'   => 'file',

Set disk to theadmin that you added above,directory.image and directory.file is the upload path for $form->image($column) and $form->file($column).

host is url prefix for your uploaded files.

Upload to cloud

If you need to upload to the cloud storage, need to install a driver which supports flysystem adapter, take qiniu cloud storage as example.

first install zgldh/qiniu-laravel-storage.

Also configure the disk, in the config/filesystems.php add an item:

'disks' => [
    ... ,
    'qiniu' => [
        'driver'  => 'qiniu',
        'domains' => [
            'default'   => '', 
            'https'     => '',       
            'custom'    => '',              
        'access_key'=> '',  //AccessKey
        'secret_key'=> '',  //SecretKey
        'bucket'    => '',  //Bucket
        'notify_url'=> '',  //
        'url'       => '',

Then modify the upload configuration of laravel-admin and open config/admin.php to find:

'upload'  => [

    'disk' => 'qiniu',

    'directory'  => [
        'image'  => 'image',
        'file'   => 'file',

Select the above configurationqiniu for disk